Πέμπτη 16 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Greece: The Hottest and Coldest Days in 2024

Greece: The Hottest and Coldest Days in 2024

A recent post by meteorologist Nikos Kanteres highlights the most noteworthy weather events of the year.

The year 2024 saw significant temperature extremes and varying weather patterns across Greece, marked by record-breaking heat, bitterly cold winter days, and fluctuating rainfall levels. A recent post by meteorologist Nikos Kanteres highlights the most noteworthy weather events of the year.

Hottest and Coldest Days of 2024

  • Hottest Day:

    The June 13 was officially the hottest day of the year, with temperatures soaring to a blistering 44°C in areas like Nea Filadelfeia in Attica, on Milos, Kranidi a town in the Peloponnese, and Agioi Pantes, an islet of Crete. Other regions, such as Sparta and Chania, recorded 43°C, while temperatures in Elliniko, a southern Athens suburb reached 42°C.
    At the 850hPa level in the atmosphere, temperatures reached an unprecedented 27.2°C, indicating an extreme heatwave.

  • Coldest Day:
    On the other end of the spectrum, January 22 was the coldest day of the year, with temperatures plummeting to -19°C in Florina in northwestern Macedonia. Kastoria and Kozani in western Macedonia followed, recording -12°C and -10°C, respectively. At the 850hPa level, the temperature was recorded at -6.1°C, underscoring the intensity of the cold front that swept across northern Greece.

December’s Weather Highlights

While much of 2024 experienced lower-than-average rainfall, December broke the dry spell, delivering precipitation levels significantly above the monthly norm and marking the wettest month of the year in several areas.

  • Rainfall in December:
    The Athens Observatory recorded 93.6mm of rain throughout the month, with the most significant rainfall occurring overnight from December 25th to 26th, when 42mm was measured at Athens’ International Airport.
  • Temperature Variations in Athens:
    The warmest day of the month in Athens was December 10th, with a maximum temperature of 21°C. In stark contrast, December 28th recorded the coldest high temperature of the month, at just 10°C.
  • Rainfall Deficit:
    The first quarter of 2024 (January to March) experienced below-average rainfall levels across Greece. A prolonged dry spell followed from April to November, particularly affecting the Attica Peninsula.
Source: Tovima.com
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Πέμπτη 16 Ιανουαρίου 2025