Παρασκευή 03 Μαϊου 2024
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Editorial Ta Nea: Insensitivity

Editorial Ta Nea: Insensitivity

It is obvious that instead of moving in a social democratic direction as they say in SYRIZA, they are moving more in the direction of the provocative Alternate Health Minister Polakis

There are those who are mourning their dead – children, parents, grandparents and relatives. There are those who walk around like ghosts, inhaling the toxic substances from their charred homes, because they have nowhere else to go. There are others who fear they will lose whatever they have left, because they feel deep down that they are to blame for the catastrophe and must be punished.

It is these people that Alternate Defence Minister Fotis Kouvelis addressed yesterday. He said he understands their pain, and that their souls were blackened, but that cannot annul the government’s enormous success in exiting the bailout memorandums.

The same people were comforted by European Parliament  member Dimitris Papadimoulis, who assured them that as much as some are “literally rabid”, and the eyes of some fanatics shine madly, SYRIZA and Tsipras are here to stay. A sigh of relief broke the silence in Mati.

It is obvious that instead of moving in a social democratic direction as they say in SYRIZA, they are moving more in the direction of the provocative Alternate Health Minister Polakis. With very few exceptions, such as Nikos Xydakis, who yesterday described as unsuitable Polakis’ notorious statement that the dead “make murky” the effectiveness of the state, most government officials want to settle their accounts with the “corrupt political system”, on the ashes and the backs of those who are mourning.

That is what they know, and that is what they do. Instead of showing some humanity, they finger-point from their armchairs.

As the list of dead grows, so too does their callousness.

They will leave a heavy and toxic legacy.

Sports in

Φενέρμπαχτσε – Μονακό 62-65: Πήρε το «θρίλερ» και ισοφάρισε σε 2-2!

Η Μονακό επικράτησε 65-62 στην έδρα της Φενέρμπαχτσε και πλέον η πρόκριση στο Final Four θα κριθεί στο Game 5.

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Παρασκευή 03 Μαϊου 2024