Δευτέρα 06 Μαϊου 2024
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New Democracy mulls no confidence motion over FYROM accord

New Democracy mulls no confidence motion over FYROM accord

Some believe, however, that a no confidence motion could serve the government’s communications needs

Main opposition New Democracy is reportedly considering tabling a no confidence motion against the Tsipras government in parliament over yesterday’s agreement with Skopje on the FYROM naming issue.

The motion is one of many possible strategies tabled by top New Democracy cadres to make clear the conservative party’s opposition to the agreement.

Some believe, however, that a no confidence motion could serve the government’s communications needs, as Tsipras’ junior coalition partner, the Independent Greeks, have said that they will not topple the government, despite their disagreement on the accord.

Sources say that if the no confidence motion is approved, it will be tabled tomorrow or Friday, which would delay tomorrow’s  debate on the omnibus bill, which contains a host of measures required to complete the crucial bailout evaluation.

The government must have passed into law all of the creditors’ preconditions ahead of the 21 June Eurogroup, where post-bailout surveillance and debt relief will be discussed.

Parliamentary regulations require a three-day debate on a no confidence motion.

New Democracy believes that it is an “institutional crime” for the government to table the accord in parliament in several months, after Skopje will have received invitations to join Nato and start EU accession talks.

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Δευτέρα 06 Μαϊου 2024