Greece to Offer Grants for Heat Pumps in 2025
The grants will cover up to 100% of the cost of heat pumps, or a maximum of 35,000 euros.
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Apart of Greece’s plan to upgrade the energy efficiency of houses and businesses, the country has announced that it will offer grants for heat pumps in 2025.
The grant will cover up to 100% of expenses related to a heat pump- at a maximum amount of €35,000- and is part of the country’s program called “Exoikonomo 2025”.
In addition to covering heat pumps, the program has included replacing old windows and doors for more energy efficient versions, as well as installing insulation.
About the Special Program
The details of the program have not been officially released yet by the Greek government, but are expected shortly.
According to reports at SKAI, subsidies for heat pumps will range between 50% and 60%, with no income criteria, and eligible applicants will be able to obtain an interest-free loan to make the upgrade.
The “Exoikonomo 2025” program prioritizes vulnerable groups and offers special incentives for families with members with disabilities, Thessaly flood victims, earthquake victims in Arkalochori, families with four dependent children, and other vulnerable households. These groups may receive increased subsidy rates or full 100% coverage for investment costs.
The program will also prioritize applicants from regions of Greece with cooler temperatures.
The Benefit of Heat Pumps
Heat pumps are considered to be energy efficient and less harmful to the environment as approximately 25% of the generated heat derives from electricity, while 75% is sourced from environmental thermal energy.
When installed under the floor of residences or buildings, they offer cooling. If connected to a boiler, they provide hot water, eliminating the need for a separate water heater unless solar panels are in use.
Apartment owners can also achieve independence from a building’s central heating system by installing this system on their balconies, connected to radiators.
The heat pump subsidy will be offered through a dedicated program from the Ministry of Environment, with announcements expected shortly.
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