Κυριακή 26 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter Passes Away at 100

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter Passes Away at 100

Jimmy Carter, the longest-lived U.S. president, passed away at 100. A champion of global health, human rights, and Middle East peace, he leaves a lasting legacy.

Former U.S. President Jimmy Carter has passed away at the age of 100.

Jimmy Carter, the 39th president of the United States, holds the distinction of being the longest-lived president in U.S. history.

He played a pivotal role as a mediator in the tumultuous Middle East and was a tireless advocate for global health and human rights throughout his life.

According to The Guardian, the former leader passed away on Sunday, December 29, at the age of 100, having lived a full and remarkable life.

Beyond his presidency, Jimmy Carter dedicated his post-White House years to humanitarian efforts, founding the Carter Center in 1982 to promote peace, democracy, and global health.

His relentless commitment to eradicating diseases like guinea worm and improving human rights earned him the Nobel Peace Prize in 2002.

Carter also remained a symbol of humility and service, famously working with Habitat for Humanity into his later years, helping build homes for those in need. His enduring contributions to humanity cement his legacy as a president and global citizen committed to making the world a better place.

Source: Tovima.com

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Κυριακή 26 Ιανουαρίου 2025