Πέμπτη 02 Μαϊου 2024
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High court prosecutor issues circular calling for immediate intervention, legal action in cases involving fake Covid-19 vax certs

High court prosecutor issues circular calling for immediate intervention, legal action in cases involving fake Covid-19 vax certs

A spate of instances around Greece of healthcare professionals and administrative staff allegedly issuing fake Covid-19 vaccination certificates and affirmations of previous infection of the highly contagious and serious virus generated an intervention on Wednesday by the Supreme Court’s chief prosecutor.

A spate of instances around Greece of healthcare professionals and administrative staff allegedly issuing fake Covid-19 vaccination certificates and affirmations of previous infection of the highly contagious and serious virus generated an intervention on Wednesday by the Supreme Court’s chief prosecutor.

In a circular to prosecutors at all levels of Greece’s judiciary, high court prosecutor Vassilis Pliotas urges immediate interventions and legal action when indications of such wrongdoing arise. Pliotas said the safety of the general public is at stake.

In the circular, the high court chief prosecutor also instructs local prosecutors to personally inspect vaccination centers in order to acquire first-hand knowledge.

Issuing fake medical certificates and receiving such documents constitute offenses of violating measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus and forgery of state-issued documents.

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Ο άνδρας που έσωσε 300 έργα του Βαν Γκογκ κατά τον Β’ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο ήταν ένας αιμοβόρος συνεργάτης των ναζί

Το 1942, ο Sam van Deventer φιλοξένησε ένα οικογενειακό πάρτι για τα 50ά γενέθλια του αιμοδιψούς Arthur Seyss-Inquart, του επιτρόπου του Ράιχ για τις γερμανικές δυνάμεις κατοχής στις Κάτω Χώρες.

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Πέμπτη 02 Μαϊου 2024