Πέμπτη 02 Μαϊου 2024
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Editorial NEA: Dress rehearsal for Greek education     

Editorial NEA: Dress rehearsal for Greek education     

Let us ponder today a post-junta problem of the Greek educational system.

Niki Kerameos is the 29th education minister in the 44-year post-junta era.

That leads us to the concusion that we have on average a chain of ministers with an alternation every one-and-a-half years and  that we have suddenly acquired another minister!          

Even more paradoxical is the fact that even under recent SYRIZA governments there is no stability in who holds the education ministry portfolio.

The experience from the  recent SYRIZA administration is that the politician that holds the post is short-lived.  

A recent example is the fact that for over four years of SYRIZA governance we have had three education ministers – (Aristeidis Baltas, Nikos Filis, and Kostas Gavroglu) and policies changed irrespective of the ministers who held the post.

Yet, education at all levels cannot become a constant experimental centre or a framework of radical revisions and changes.

It is the country’s frontline in expediting progress and securing the future.

This is all the more true when the ministry’s planned reforms involve everything that changes current problems into good, clean growth.

The frequent changes in the education system that are carried out without taking into account market needs and the dynamics of an evolving economy test the younger generation.

There have been so many changes over the years in university admissions requirements.

There have been an equal number of disorienting changes in the core of secondary education.

There have been so many piecemeal changes without consultations with the educational community.

Today, we have a youthful minister who is eager to work hard to implement substantial reforms.

Let her take the above into account.

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Ο άνδρας που έσωσε 300 έργα του Βαν Γκογκ κατά τον Β’ Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο ήταν ένας αιμοβόρος συνεργάτης των ναζί

Το 1942, ο Sam van Deventer φιλοξένησε ένα οικογενειακό πάρτι για τα 50ά γενέθλια του αιμοδιψούς Arthur Seyss-Inquart, του επιτρόπου του Ράιχ για τις γερμανικές δυνάμεις κατοχής στις Κάτω Χώρες.

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Πέμπτη 02 Μαϊου 2024