Σάββατο 18 Μαϊου 2024
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Greek-French MoC foresees transformation of Halki isle into first model ‘GR-eco island’

Greek-French MoC foresees transformation of Halki isle into first model ‘GR-eco island’

The characteristics attributed to this label are sustainable and viable development, accompanied by sufficient investment in renewable energy sources, comprehensive waste manage, digitalization of all facets of the local economy and social services as well as eco-friendly travel and movement.

Α Greek-French MoC signed on Friday foresees the transformation of the small Dodecanese Isle of Halki, near well-known holiday destination Rhodes, into the first and prototype “GR-eco island”.

The characteristics attributed to this label are sustainable and viable development, accompanied by sufficient investment in renewable energy sources, comprehensive waste manage, digitalization of all facets of the local economy and social services as well as eco-friendly travel and movement.

The memorandum of cooperation was signed by the relevant energy and environment minister, Costas Skrekas, representing the Greek government, along with local and regional government authorities, and a coterie of multinationals and local companies, including the Public Power Corp. (PPC), Greece’s pre-eminent power utility, the Syggelidis group (Citroen’s partner in Greece), Akuo Energy Greece, OMEXOM/Vinci Energies, Vodafone Greece and Automotive.

The pioneering project is also under the auspices of the French embassy in Greece, with is also a party to the MoC.

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Κριστιάνο Ρονάλντο, ο νέος «τεχνικός διευθυντής» της Αλ Νασρ (vids)

Ο Κριστιάνο Ρονάλντο μπορεί να είναι ο απόλυτος σταρ στη Σαουδική Αραβία και να σκοράρει ακατάπαυστα με την Αλ Νασρ, όμως 1,5 χρόνο μετά φαίνεται να έχει αναλάβει και νέο κομβικό ρόλο στον σύλλογο.

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Σάββατο 18 Μαϊου 2024