Σάββατο 18 Ιανουαρίου 2025
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Editorial Ta Nea: Huge pensions

Editorial Ta Nea: Huge pensions

This is yet another confirmation of the fact that on many levels the previous government worked without a real plan and thus undermined social cohesion.

A document which Ta Nea has at its disposal and reported on today raises serious questions about the functioning of the pension system.

It appears that under the insurance system law introduced by SYRIZA’s former labour minister Yorgos Katrougalos enormous pensions were issued to special categories of pensioners, including notaries, at a time when most Greek citizens were struggling to make ends meet.

To make matters worse, the political leadership of the ministry had been warned about the huge pensions and there was no move to put a cap on pensions, which Labour Minister Yannis Vroutsis now intends to do.

There are many questions that arise regarding Mr. Katrougalos’ extremely problematic and unjust law. Despite amendments to the law even under SYRIZA, hundreds of enormous pensions were untouched.

The issue that arises now from indisputable documents- in which the supervisor of the directorate of payments warned the pensions’ director about pensions as high as 23,000 euros – is not simply the shoddiness of the former ministers.

The issue is the mistakes, incompetence, and provocative complacency of those who did not put a cap on pensions even though they had plenty of time to do so.

This is yet another confirmation of the fact that on many levels the previous government worked without a real plan and thus undermined social cohesion.

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Σάββατο 18 Ιανουαρίου 2025