Παρασκευή 26 Ιουλίου 2024
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greek government

Editorial Ta Nea: Energy rates for universities

The special measures that the education ministry and the entire government are preparing as regards special, lower energy rates for universities, especially in northern Greece, are absolutely necessary.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Providing sufficient heating for schools

There is no room for cut-backs in heating schools, and the government rightly decided to offer support to schools through municipalities, as the problem must resolved at the local and regional levels.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Without fear

A few hours after the force appeared at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, the turnstiles installed at the building housing the administrative offices were vandalised by individuals with their faces concealed.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial: ‘Italianisation’

The only response to new challenges and to those who would like to see precarious conditions and new experiments in our country is for the government to serve out its four-year term.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: The political problem

The EYP surveillance scandal is of enormous concern to citizens as it involves fundamental individual rights and violates the core principles of our democratic form of government.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial: Vigilance needed in dealing with Covid-19

Measures, such as the wearing of masks and checking vaccination and illness certificates, have been abandoned for so long, one wonders how easy it will be to reinstate them if need be.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: University reforms

None of the previous university reform laws were truly enforced, so that we might have seen the problems and dysfunctions of the system in order to remedy them.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial: No excuse

The Council of State said that establishing a University Police force 'does not violate the principles of academic freedom and the administrative autonomy of universities'.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Nose to the grindstone

Greece, like the rest of the planet, is facing successive crises that create a protracted period of uncertainty for which everyone – society and the political system – must be suitably prepared.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: State of readiness

The speed with which the government is moving is welcome, as are agreements with Northern European countries that have agreed to provide Greece with experienced, specialised fire-fighting teams this coming summer.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial: The only antidote

The current government, which came to power in 2019, was not able to implement its electoral platform, as the public health crisis that ensued and its negative impact disorganised everything.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Whatever is necessary

A breather through tax cuts for the middle class is necessary. That is not only because it was a central plank in the government’s electoral platform, but also because it is yet another way to support labour.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Elephant in the room

According to SYRIZA, the decision of the vice-speaker of Parliament to cut off an opposition MP’s speech and shut the microphone of the podium was an 'unprecedented, undemocratic, and coup-style muzzling of an MP'.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Memory and stability

It would be a welcome change as if those who bear responsibility for tragedies in which many people died when they were in power [SYRIZA], and for an ensuing cover-up operation, exhibited greater self-awareness and modesty.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Comparison

Alexis Tsipras avoided referring to the real reason for a move that is viewed as sensationalist even by his loyal comrades, as the government is not in danger of renegade New Democracy MPs voting it down.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Deficiencies

The public demands of people in operational positions to do their job as well as possible. It accepts their apology and admission that they made mistakes but also expects them to learn from their mistakes and not repeat them.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

A woman is raped every other day in Greece

The case of the gang rape of a 24-year-old woman in Thessaloniki sparked a wave of rage and at the same time a wave of support for the victim, who mustered the courage to relate the nightmare that she experienced.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: The Gordian Knot

Only the government can cut the Gordian knot. It is time for the government’s electoral pledges to be implemented. Thuggery, threats, and printing a funeral announcement for a rector have no place in our universities. They must once and for all become a thing of the past.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Enough is enough!

Professors must transcend their fears and reservations and realise that without their cooperation and active participation, no policing mechanism can be effective. Today their colleagues are being attacked, but tomorrow it will be them.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Zero tolerance

At a time that the academic community must handle the repercussions of the pandemic, tolerance for any type of violence leads ineluctably to a further downgrading of our universities. Thuggery, terrorism, and those harm democracy.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Alarm bell

Inflation, either in basic goods or energy, creates a chain reaction of repercussions in the entire economy, decreasing consumption, and aggravating the situation for already burdened businesses.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Mixed messages on pandemic

It is perhaps more important than ever to limit the mixed messages regarding public health measures that may be required. That way, no one will be confused and no one will be exposed.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Strategy

The government has proven in a variety of sectors that it has the necessary reflexes and that it can create a useful combination of the lessons of the pandemic with long-term planning.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Vaccination, but that is not enough

The extremely rapid spread of the Omicron variant all over the planet has made clear that vaccination is not enough. The unvaccinated will get sick or die, but the vaccinated can also be infected.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea : Exploiters of death

The stance regarding the pandemic of opposition MPs in Parliament yesterday is cause for concern and raises the question of whether they have realised that they are undermining the national effort.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial: Toleration of violence at universities must end

Violence continues even after the government passed a law pertaining to universities which provides for security systems and the creation of an autonomous service to protect the academic community.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Seriousness

Main opposition SYRIZA leader Alexis Tsipras not long ago accused the government of 'timidity' and demanded that the government toughen its stance and limit the room for the unvaccinated.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Joining forces to confront the pandemic

Nobody has the right to deny their share of responsibility in the common effort, because if even one group says it lacks the competence or is unable to do so, the sacrifices of the rest of society are imperiled.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: Even belatedly

Public health restrictions were necessary. When one has 6-7 thousand daily infections, when hundreds of patients are filling hospitals nationwide, and when dozens are dying daily, one has no other choice.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Attention must be paid

It necessary for the government to devise a package of initiatives to offer relief to the average citizen with a dividend, price cuts wherever possible, and a minimum wage increase, which it is rightly planning.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial: A solution must be found!

The National Health System is already under enormous pressure. Under such conditions, it is impermissible to allow gatherings in closed spaces such as churches where vaccinated people will intermingle with people who may be carriers because they are unvaccinated.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: The great responsibility for climate change

Gradually, according to models designed to specify the impact of the climate crisis, the deltas of large rivers will be lost, the Maldives will be submerged, substantial portions of Piraeus and Thessaloniki will be flooded, and Greece’s entire coastlines and islands will be threatened.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Protection in an energy crisis

The government's increase of the energy subsidy, including natural gas, is an immediate and correct measures, as is the change in income criteria for the eligibility of economically vulnerable groups, and subsidising energy bills with various discounts.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: Fatalism

The government succumbed to the truly many pressures and impatience of citizens for the opening of the economy and society so that they could be freed from oppressive restrictive measures. The lack of preparation was revealed in autumn one year ago, when the second wave of the pandemic raged in Northern Greece..

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Rendezvous

The issue is that all types of competent authorities in this country should at long last understand that when the press points out problems, they should not skirmish with it, but instead they should engage in earnest self-criticism.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Antidotes

The government is rightly hammering out a package of serious “antidotes” for the burgeoning problem of inflation in food prices. This should be drafted very swiftly as a comprehensive plan because it concerns households nationwide.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: The great vaccine rollout wager

In Greece, although the vaccine rollout began with enthusiasm in the spring, over time, and especially during the summer months, interest waned. That is mainly because of the emergence of a groundless and unscientific anti-vaccine movement.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Mandatory vaccination

The low percentage of vaccinated people in the Armed Forces and security forces must be a cause for concern for the government, The government spokesman has said that nothing has yet been decided. . Yet, other countries have already decided,

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

The Holy Synod’s Encyclical on COVID-19 and its impact

If the Holy Synod, in conjunction with the timidity of the state, does not dare to institute compulsory vaccination– as there are obviously different views in the Synod – let local Metropolitans decide for their dioceses and call those do not comply to order.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Self-criticism

The citizenry will have to wait until the fires have been extinguished in order to be informed of what went wrong, in which areas evaluations of the situation were flawed, and which officials did not fulfil their duties.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Clarity

Citizens stepped forward to be vaccinated, and still are doing so, in a rollout that by all accounts is organised in an excellent manner. Lingering doubts jeopardise the collective effort to build a wall of immunity.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Changes

The Greek state must at long last adapt to the demands of 2021 and offer a legislative answer to the situation that has been shaped by work life, instead of remaining stuck to long outdated labour laws.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: The last mile

The vaccination rollout must be expedited because that is necessary in order to build a wall of defence and immunity without which the National Health System cannot endure.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Easter holiday planning

Mixed signals in managing the epidemic can prove disastrous at a moment that the population is understandably fatigued due to protracted public health restrictions.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Responsibility

Those who are bearing the brunt of the now raging epidemic have a duty to have all the necessary weapons in their arsenal so as not to lose ground in the battle against the virus.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: Sterile rivalries

Once again at a critical juncture in the life of our nation the prevailing environment is one of sterile political rivalries and irrational and often untimely demands.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Strategy

In this new decade states will achieve progress when they are fortified, contemporary, and citizen-friendly and operate under a guaranteed framework.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Restart

The PM right now has the opportunity to set the tone and to lay the groundwork for the changes that he wants, as a reshuffle for show or merely on paper is simply unacceptable.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Details

Those ministers who want to have somethin to show from their work in a year that the country will be tested on a variety of levels should take this seriously into account,

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Everyday life

Once the framework for a rebound of the economy is decided, it will be necessary to urgently fashion a flexible, modern, and citizen-friendly state and public administration.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Accountability

One month after the big Samos earthquake 400 people are still living in containers or hotels and 2,300 buildings have been deemed seriously damaged but inhabitable.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Time to build consensus

Our politicfal parties can and should co-exist by working to defuse hostility and to build consensus whenever and wherever possible in the name of the common good.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

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Παρασκευή 26 Ιουλίου 2024