The UN Special Representative for the FYROM naming issue, Matthew Nimetz, will be discussing Greek proposals for a constitutional revision of the constitution in Skopje to eradicate expansionist references and Athens’ preference for the name Gorna Makedonija, in talks with FYROM Prime Minister Zoran Zaev and Foreign Minister Nikola Dimitrov, in Skopje today.

At the same time, Nimetz hopes to allay the concerns of Skopje regarding such thorny issues as what the country’s nationality and language will be called, and how the identity of the country’s Slavic majority will be protected.

Zaev may have put a damper on the negotiations by declaring yesterday that his party believes that any settlement must be put to a vote in a referendum, despite the objections of his junior coalition partner, Ali Ahmeti, the leader of the ethnic Albanian DUI party (Democratic Union for Incorporation).
Nimetz will also meet with Ahmeti and the leader of the hardline nationalist main opposition party (VMRO-DPME), Hristijan Mickoski.

“I do not consider this issue an obstacle. I see it as an additional guarantee for Greece that any settlement will be permanent and will remain so always. It is not something terrifying or tragic or impossible, because referendums are conducted in accordance with the law, and the process is rapid,” Zaev said.

Zaev said that, “Ahead of the referendum, politicians must express their views, so as to help the nation decide.”