Κυριακή 09 Φεβρουαρίου 2025
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new democracy

Όλα τα άρθρα του tag new democracy

Editorial Ta Nea: Restoring trust in political parties

The youth, working people, businesses small and large, and pensioners constitute critical pools of voters. They are not electoral audiences that seek simplistic answers to complex issues.


Editorial Ta Nea: Political toxicity

Parties, when they maintain that their morals and demeanour are better than those the others, must demonstrate that this is not merely hollow rhetoric.


Editorial: No excuse

The Council of State said that establishing a University Police force 'does not violate the principles of academic freedom and the administrative autonomy of universities'.


Editorial Ta Nea: Populism

The current major geopolitical and economic challenges have unfortunately once again brought populism to the fore in many Western societies.


Editorial To Vima: The dilemma of ruling coalitions

When PM as leader of the top party [SYRIZA has long trailed behind ND in all polls] raises the prospect of a coalition government, other party leaders cannot dodge the issue and turn a blind eye to new realities.


Editorial Ta Nea: Opportunity in centrist politics

As long as SYRIZA continues to appeal mainly to the emotions of the public, both PM Kyriakos Mitsotakis and centre-left KINAL leader Nikos Androulakis have an opportunity to gain ground among centrist voters.


Op-Ed: Amnesia

Although no serious person denies that Greece had allowed dysfunctions to fester for years, a mere glance at the course of public debt and of deficits demonstrates that they skyrocketed in the 2004-2009 period [on Karamanlis’ watch].


Editorial Ta Nea: The only option

Citizens are not clients. They expect and demand policies and works that can effectively lead the country to a better future. Voters judge every government based on its effectiveness.


Editorial Ta Nea: Results

KINAL/PASOK must prove that it can stand firmly in the centre of the political spectrum, with a distinct Social Democratic platform, and without being crushed under the weight of pressures from New Democracy and SYRIZA.


Editorial Ta Nea: Comparison

Alexis Tsipras avoided referring to the real reason for a move that is viewed as sensationalist even by his loyal comrades, as the government is not in danger of renegade New Democracy MPs voting it down.


Editorial To Vima: Everything is in flux

The PM did not have the necessary time to implement and advance his plans. Less than six months into his term, he was confronted with an unprecedented pandemic which took by surprise and rocked governments all over the world.


Editorial: A three-pole party system

The election of Nikos Androulakis as the centre-left Movement for Change (KINAL) leader, and the rise of the party in the polls, indicates that the bipolar party system may be coming to an end.


Editorial Ta Nea: Maturation

The dysfunction and acrobatics of SYRIZA is due to the party’s being out of touch with the contemporary needs of Greek society. It often seems entrenched in skirmishes between closed groups and factions that are reminiscent of a bygone era.


Mitsotakis and the battle for centrist voters

While ruling New Democracy has always been a centre-right party, Mitsotakis has chosen to interpret that term as 'less ideological' and 'more practical'.


New Democracy, SYRIZA clash over Pyatt’s remarks on bilateral defence accord

In a lengthy statement, SYRIZA accused ND of skewing Pyatt’s statements with fake news to hide the fact that Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis is the first PM after the 1974 post-junta regime change that has signed an indefinite extension of the US  use of Greek military facilities.


OP-ed: Everyone to blame except SYRIZA

The main opposition has not considered that SYRIZA is not appealing because on all issues on the political agenda – from the Prespes Agreement to [convicted N17 terrorist Dimitris] Koufodinas, and from COVID-19 to the purchase of frigates – it has never once aligned itself with the social majority.


The politically wounded Mr. Mitsotakis

The question now is to what extent the government can be reborn and renew itself so as to transcend the crisis of confidence caused by the catastrophic fires and the insecurity they stirred in the public.


Editorial Ta Nea: Battle for the political centre

Because the centre of the political spectrum remains the most hegemonic and seminal in terms of political representation, it holds the key to the political stage.


Editorial To Vima: The old wolf doesn’t change

The truth is that Antonis Samaras is not operating in a vacuum. For decades he has had an intransigent stance on national issues and has played the nationalist card,


Editorial To Vima: When silence is not golden

Charges lodged by former Syriza justice minister Stavros Kontonis that the new criminal code benefited Golden Dawn have rocked the party but thery are far more than an internal party issue.


Editorial Ta Nea: Warning signs

A government that rests on its laurels and political advantage is in danger of becoming its own victim as In politics inertia, missteps, and omissions that fester will not be pardoned


Editorial: The opponent

New Democracy's only opponent is itself and that is no small thing. The only trap that endangers it is that of developing the arrogance of power.


Editorial To Vima: Alexis the small

Alexis Tsipras is attempting to organise an autarchic party with a hegemonic leader along the lines of Pasok’s model of governance in the 1980’s under Andreas Papandreou.


Editorial To Vima: The insurance ‘reform’

Experts doubt whether the feasibility study on insurance system reform presents credible projections and guarantees regarding the viability of the system.


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Κυριακή 09 Φεβρουαρίου 2025