Greek tax authorities in September conducted a record number of bank account seizures amidst a burgeoning of overdue tax cases.

At the same time, officials at the Independent Authority for Public Revenue say that the tax bureau will audit Greeks whose names are in the Paradise Papers.

About 6,000 documents in the Paradise Papers concern Greek citizens. Authorities are reviewing 130 Greek taxpayers’ names and 252 addresses around the country, gleaned from over 13 million documents regarding tax dodging.

Tax havens used by Greek depositors include Malta, Aruba, the Bahamas, Barbados, the Bermudas, Cook Islands, Dominica, Labuan, Marshall Island, Nevis island, and St. Lucia.

Meanwhile, Greece’s Ombudsman supports the recent decision of the Independent Authority for Public Revenue to return social welfare stipends that have been confiscated, as these are non-seizable.

Just in September, the finance ministry mailed an average of 947 seizure notices daily, related to overdue debts to the tax and customs offices. The same month there was a record increase in overdue tax bills, and in the total amount of overdue taxes.

Based on public revenue data, 4.27 million people owe a total of 98.76 billion euros, and 410,000 overdue debtors were added to the lists in September. About 991,000 taxpayers have had their assets seize, while another 1.7 million face possible seizures.

Non-seizable social welfare payments include unemployment benefits, handicap benefits, social solidarity stipends, heating stipends, and child support payments.