Πέμπτη 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024
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Editorial To Vima: Honourable choice

Editorial To Vima: Honourable choice

Last Thursday’s parliamentary debate demonstrated directly and clearly the dangers of a protracted pre-electoral period, with sharp personal attacks and tensions

To Vima on Sunday’s editorial on 15 April, looking ahead to the completion of the fourth and final bailout evaluation, the debt relief arrangement and the exit from the bailout memorandums in August, said it would be useful in the post-memorandum era –which is particular, special, and foundational – that the future be entrusted to the judgment of the Greek people.
That editorial said that, “From next August and thereafter, to the extent that Greece’s exit from the memorandums has been secured, a general election should be held, so that voters can evaluate alternative plans and growth models for development in the country in the new era.”
In addition, it said that, “As of next August, to the degree that an exit from memorandums is ensured, the country will enter a protracted electoral period, in the name of being rid of memorandums. There is a danger of a strong wave of demands, which can dismantle the stabilisation achieved after eight years of efforts and sacrifices.
We also noted that, “If elections are held in May, 2019, or even worse in September, 2019, the political dangers will multiply and a derailment of the Greek economy will be a possibility.”
Needless to say, the above observations reflected the concerns of the government’s economic team, which knows first-hand how fragile is the government’s economic position, despite the progress that there has been in implementing fiscal policy over the past years.
Beyond that, last Thursday’s parliamentary debate demonstrated directly and clearly the dangers of a protracted pre-electoral period, with sharp personal attacks and tensions.

Moreover, there are developing intra-governmental antitheses, primarily with the defence minister, who disputes the FYROM accord and keeps threatening to leave the ruling coalition with the PM, when the agreement is tabled in parliament for ratifications.
All this supports the argument for early elections, along with the completion of the bailout programme in August.

Our era is foundational, and consequently particularly crucial.
A long period of recession and disaster is ending, and we hope a new, hopeful era is emerging.
Once again, we strongly believe that general elections in the autumn would be an honourable and correct choice, befitting the anxieties and demands of the Greek people.
At the beginning of a new period, the sovereign Greek people should decide, honourably and clearly, based on the presentation of comprehensive platforms and plans, who should lead the country in the post-memorandum era.

In that way, the country can proceed securely, without tortuous complications and vote-mongering tricks, towards a better future.

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Πέμπτη 19 Σεπτεμβρίου 2024