Former health minister Andreas Loverdos, who has been implicated by a protected witness in the Novartis kickbacks case, visited Corruption Prosecutor Eleni Touloupakis’ office this afternoon in an effort to clear his name.

Loverdos, one of the government’s staunchest critics, is a former Pasok minister who is now the parliamentary representative of the multi-party Democratic Alliance, of which Pasok president Fofi Gennimata is leader.

He asked Touloupakis to order that banks open the transaction logs of all of his accounts, in order to demonstrate that he has not received bribes.

In a fiery speech last night, during the parliamentary debate over whether to launch a preliminary criminal inquiry into possible wrongdoing related to Novartis by Loverdos and nine other politicians, the former health minister announced that he would be filing this request with the Corruption Prosecutor.

The criminal inquiry was approved for all ten of the accused by parliament.

Loverdos requested not only that his own bank accounts be opened immediately, but also those of his family members.

“I made good on what I announced in parliament,” Loverdos told

“I visited the corruption prosecutor and submitted a request that my banks accounts and my relatives’ bank accounts be opened without delay. I submitted this request both in writing and verbally,” Loverdos said.