Σάββατο 04 Μαϊου 2024
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Over-taxation and the demise of the Greek middle class

'The Greek middle class suffered over the last years from high contributions. Tax policy is one of the main reasons for the drop in the government’s polling numbers,' Handelsblatt reported.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Tsipras presents SYRIZA campaign platform

The PM is arguing that only SYRIZA can ensure growth combined with a strong social welfare net, which he claims New Democracy leader Kyriakos Mistotakis will dismantle.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: Signs of decadence

Citizens were left speechless by the transfers of RULING PARTY politicians’ daughters and other relatives into cozy, well-paid Parliament jobs

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Youth

The government kept Parliament open a bit longer to set up an unprecedented operation of unabashedly passing into law various patronage measures.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Irresponsibility

He suddenly discovered extreme, conservative circles in Brussels and in the old regime in Greece which allegedly dream of a return to austerity and bailout memorandums.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Comparisons

It is no coincidence that Portugal borrows with much lower interest rates than Greece, as the yield on ten-year bonds demonstrates.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Bank of Greece Governor calls for bad bank for NPL’s, fiscal discipline

“Now that we have an improvement in the terms of borrowing for the Greek state, one should expect an improvement of the terms of borrowing for Greek banks.  We may now have fewer banks, but they are stronger and the future belongs to them,” Stournaras declared.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Changes

Citizens in the recent elections punished the government for its failure to deliver on the economy, and the reaction of markets is hardly encouraging.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Madly irresponsible

The party that was trounced in recent elections and any political party that aspires to govern should know that citizens are no longer willing to issue blank checks.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: The price of betrayed hopes

SYRIZA’s self-proclaimed moral advantage, its promise of a renewal in Greek politics, and its putative social sensitivities were judged and renounced in an explosive manner.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Messages

It is clear that in the two rounds of regional and mayoral elections the question voters answered was, ‘Yes or no to the government?’

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: Sic transit gloria mundi

Within three years, Tsipras led a very small party to become one of the country’s top two parties, with a good shot at gaining power.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: At the push of a button

Over-taxation was a conscious choice of the government, which aimed to collect funds for electoral handouts at the end of its term.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Alarm bells

The 7 July general election will be the first held in July since 1928, and wildfire protection must be discussed during the five-week campaign.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

SYRIZA’s Sysiphean battle, Tsipras’ last stand

The party that went from five percent of the voted in the 2008 rose to power with 36 percent of the vote on a tsunami of rage against both a political system that led the country to bankruptcy and creditors who addressed the crisis with extremely punitive policies is pinned to the ground.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Bombshells

Greece has enormous capabilities. Unfortunately they are not being exploited and the results are tragic, as evidenced in the brain drain and the shrinking of the population.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: More games with the judiciary

With a general election campaign in full swing and a government that is collapsing SYRIZA insists on appointing the successors of the outgoing Chief Justice of the Supreme Court and its chief prosecutor.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Uproar after photos of chiefs of Greek Police, Coast Guard at Tsipras campaign rally

The presence of Greek Police Chief Aristeidis Andrikopoulos and Coast Guard Chief Stamatis Raptis at SYRIZA rallies and political events has stirred a political maelstrom as it is a glaring violation of the country’s basic law. Article 29 (par. 3) of the Greek Constitution states that: “All types of activity for or against a political […]

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Errors

The presence of the Chief of Greek Police at the main political rally of the ruling party appears to be a case of misconduct.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Restraint

Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras has depicted himself as the protector of the poor and vulnerable and his opponent as a monster out of the Book of Revelation

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: Mr. Tsipras’ illusion

Though the sense that the PM was all-powerful vanished on Sunday after the election results were made known, he does not appear to have understood that.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

ND relishes strong momentum as SYRIZA picks up the pieces

The result is a harsh defeat for SYRIZA and a crushing defeat for PM Alexis Tsipras who single-handedly  ran the campaign, criss-crossing the country and running on a class-based platform

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: Ovidian Metamorphoses

The erstwhile enemy of the bailout memorandums ended up accepting the third and worst adjustment programme and said that he did so in the name remaining in the eurozone, which until then he had blamed for all of the country’s ills.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

May 26 elections results will determine date of general election

Kyriakos Mitsotakis has said that if Tsipras is defeated in the 26 May European Parliament election “he should go to Zappeion Hall and announce his resignation and declare that elections will be held in four weeks”.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Stakes

Clearly, Tthe European Parliament elections it is not merely an opinion poll as the prime minister declared in order to downplay the significance of the electoral result.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Gangrene

It is sad to think that despite the fact that the Education Minister Gavroglu has taught as a university professor in Greece he has learned nothing about the problems that have beset Greek universities.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: The Europe that we wound

Although the European Union was organised as a post-national structure, it did not manage to transcend the nationalisms that left a deep mark on European history.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: No time to waste

The government has not learned that the dangers of nature cannot be confronted with on-camera show conferences or with news conferences with painted wildfires,

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: Zero tolerance for violence

The government’s toleration of the anarchist group Rouvikonas until now proves that it has not curbed the group’s activity but instead has made it more dangerous.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Anarchist group vandalises Parliament in support of N17 terrorist

'These types of actions against Parliament and any interpretation that sanctifies them are undemocratic and contribute nothing to social struggles which should and do evolve in a different manner,' Parliament Speaker Nikos Voutsis said,

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Yachts

A government that denounces the elite does not want public opinion to know that its members enjoy the perks of the elite.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial To Vima: Peddlers of hope

With PM Alexis Tsipras donning the cloak of protector of the poor and punisher of the elite, promises, handouts, and divisive tactics are the order of the day.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Kretsos’ luxury yacht cruise exposes government, again

Tsipras had foreshadowed the revelation when in defending his own cruise during a recent television interview he declared that he has no problem if any of his ministers had also taken cruises.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

Editorial Ta Nea: Disappointment

The government fell as low as to try just a few days before elections to fool a segment of society that deserves the utmost respect – senior citizens.

Σύνταξη ΙΝ

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Σάββατο 04 Μαϊου 2024