This tourist year could be characterized as unstable and uncertain, with the epidemiological data and the new mutations of the coronavirus largely determining the course of Greek tourism, the Confederation of Tourist Accommodation Entrepreneurs of Greece (SETKE) points out in an announcement.

This season is also extremely “nebulous” for the small tourist accommodation industry, with occupancy not exceeding 30% -40% of pre-pandemic levels in 2019, and, in any case, in no case increasing further. Thus, any expectations for satisfactory fulfillment this year are dashed.

Demand does not have uniform characteristics, with the result that some areas show higher performance than others. Thus, for example, in Northern Greece, which receives tourist flows from the Balkans, the season is evolving better, but in other tourist areas the occupancy does not exceed 40% of 2019.

An important role in this development is the fact that the British market has just “unlocked” – after the lifting of the restrictions imposed by the Johnson government on July 19 – the Russian market is still out of the game, while last minute reservations will largely determine the end result.

From the above it is understood that this year is another season of bare survival for small tourist accommodation. That is why, for the umpteenth time, the Confederation of Tourist Accommodation Entrepreneurs of Greece calls on the government to implement substantial financial support measures for small tourist accommodation companies, which will ensure the liquidity they have so needed for a year and a half.

SETKE calls for the inclusion of companies in the sector in financial programs and new, emergency support measures, with specializations and targeted interventions, which will create a strong safety net for businesses in the coming months and, especially, next winter.